學年度 | 105 |
期刊等級 | Others |
論文名稱(篇名) | Discussing the true meaning of the first chapter of “Daxue” in Lijis original texts from the aspect of the unity construction of knowledge and practice—a fundamental approach to the globalization of Confucians practicing of morality |
期刊名 | Sinological Research of East Asia |
Publish Date | 2017-02-01 |
Issue | 2017年特別號 |
起迄頁 | 16 |
起迄頁 | 27 |
總頁數 | 540 |
著作人數 | 1 |
作者型態 | First Author |
ISSN(ISBN) | 2185-999X |
使用語言 | 中文 |
所屬計畫案 | MOST 104-2632-H-211 -001 -MY3 |